Board members
The company is managed by a board of directors consisting of (five members) elected by the ordinary general assembly of shareholders for a period not exceeding three years for a period of three years, starting from 16/09/2021 until the end of the current session of the Council on 15/09/2024The current elected board members are:

Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Karim Al-Samaani
Chairman of the Board - Non-Executive Member

Mr. Bandar Mohammed Abdullah Al-Samaani
Vice Chairman - Managing Director - Executive Member

Mr. Khaled Suleiman Abdullah Al-Mudaifer
Independent Member

Mr. Tariq Saad Abdulaziz Al-Tuwaijri
Independent Member

Mr. Yazid bin Hussam Al-Hayyaf
Independent Member
Audit Committee
The formation of the Audit Committee consists of three members who were elected by the decision of the Ordinary General Assembly of Shareholders held on 08/24/2021, and they are
as follows:
- Mr. Tariq Saad Abdulaziz Al-Tuwaijri Committee member
- Eng. Khaled Suleiman Al-Mudaifer Committee member
- Mr. Yazid bin Hussam Al-Hayyaf
Chairman of the Committee – an independent financial member from outside the Board

Mr. Tariq Saad Abdulaziz Al-Tuwaijri Committee member

Eng. Khaled Suleiman Al-Mudaifer Committee member

Mr. Yazid bin Hussam Al-Hayyaf
Remuneration and Nominations Committee
In conformity with the company’s Board of Directors’ decision dated September 16, 2021, the Remuneration and Nominations Committee was formed, provided that the committee’s work begins from the date of the Board’s decision until the end of the current Board session on 15/09/2024. The committee was formed of three members as follows:
- Eng. Khaled Suleiman Al-Mudaifer Committee Chairman – Independent Board Member
- Mr. Tariq Saad Al-Tuwaijri Committee Member – Independent Board Member
- Mr. Khaled Abdulaziz Al-Bakry Committee Member – Independent Board Member

Eng. Khaled Suleiman Al-Mudaifer Committee Chairman - Independent Board Member