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Sadr Logistics Co. announces the transformation of the ownership of the founders’ shares to Elmah Investment Holding Company.

Sadr Logistics Co. announces that it has received a letter from the company’s leading owners, indicating that the ownership of the founders’ shares has turned:

1- Mohamed bin Abdullah Al-Samaani

2- Bandar bin Mohamed Al-Samaani

To the Elmah Investment Holding Company (a limited liability company), a family company owned by the Al-Samaani family (founders of Sadr Logistics Services), so that the share of Elmah Company becomes 19.994% of the shares of Sadr Logistics Co, and this step comes from the founders in an effort to shift from individual work to institutional work, which achieves business governance according to best practices for family companies, This disclosure comes by the company within the framework of transparency and clarifying the image, knowing that each of Mohamed bin Abdullah Al-Samaani is still the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors, as well as Bandar bin Mohamed Al-Samaani, Vice Chairman, Managing Director and CEO, The company asserts that these developments will not affect the company’s strategy, progress and projects.

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